Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Children,s day and Hari Raya

When it was children,s day celebration , I was enjoying myself. At recess, there was Primary four, Primary five and Primary six. At 12 o,clock , the movie is very funny and interesting.In class, Mr Ng give us presents for children,s day.

when mr ng was away

when MR NG was away during our one week holiday , 3rd september 2008 , our relief teacher is miss sandy . she almost everyday give us about twenty something pages of homework . i almost gone mad , Almost the whole class complain too.

Title: MY aim for SA2

I wish my score for this year English is 90 a point 100, for maths is 90 a point 100 and for my chinese is 90 a point 100.

Done by :NG PEI QI


when my teacher was away!

On 3rd september 2008,my favourite teacher was our form teacher!When he away a crazy teacher came teach my class. her name was miss sandy ,she start to scold my the first day she came .the whole class start to hate her inculding pei qi.we were all so happy when mr ng was back!
